I wanted to thank your staff once again as we are amazed at Aaron's transformation while at camp. I dont know if you remember the email I sent you before camp describing Aaron, and noted some of the concerns we had due to his low motivation for activities and his regular anxiety which seemed to be a big part of the issues we were concerned about. Since camp Aaron continues to thrive and seriously does not seem anxious any more on a regular basis. He appears more confident in doing things on his own and in dealing with others. While I know we all recognized Aaron may not have had true addiction issues he definitely escaped life via screen time and that time was he was always playing games in his phone in the car and any time he was bored, while eating breakfast before school etc. While we complained about the constant use we always got arguments and defensive responses and the behavior continued. Since camp he completely gets it and regulates himself in a very acceptable way, we dont have to scold or remind. He pays attention when in the car and notices other details of things he never would have noticed before. We see him excited about things and we did not see that before much at all. Even driving, he had taken drivers ed but did not spend any time investigating cars and what he might want that also completely changed. He had said he appreciates us many times out of the blue since coming back from camp, I had never heard those words from him before. I believe it was you your program and your amazing staff that deserve credit for this. I know if i had sent Aaron to a traditional camp for 4Â weeks he would not have come home the way he did from your program.