This isn't something you can just "wait out".
If you have a concern that your child may be addicted to technology, then the time to act is now.
With summer right around the corner, your child potentially has a full two months of unlimited screen time. Left unchecked, their bad technology habits will thrive, grow and be even worse come September.
Reset Summer Camp wants to help you save your child from a summer of screens. A stay at Reset Summer Camp will help your child not only develop a more positive relationship with their tech, but will help them in developing the social and real-world skills they will need as they grow.
In the fight for your child's future. Reset Summer Camp is on your side.
"I think the positive memories he has of camp will help make him more mindful of his tech use as he matures and begins to navigate life as a young adult."
- A parent of a Reset Summer Camp camper